Hello All,
Sorry for the length in between posts, I've been super busy plus my kids Daycare has been closed for the past 2 weeks (vacation). So, I haven't had a whole lot of time. But I was able to finish this one up for a customer. It is a clone of the Mutron III. There are a couple of mods done to the circuit to make it a bit more "buildable". The Original pedal worked off of 24 volts and used the VTL5c3/2. The VTL is a vactrol with 3 legs on the resistor side (one is common). These have been discontinued and are expensive. This uses 2 of the more standard vactrols. This also has a charge pump built into the circuit so the power is now a standard 9 volt power supply. The last mod is a volume mod. The original does not have a volume control. This does.
I did the art layout and paint on this enclosure. It isn't actually paint, It's alcohol ink. This was fun to work with. I put a bunch of drops of different colors on the pedal and blended them with a Q-tip. then before it dried, I lit it on fire. Yup thats right, the alcohol caught and created a smother blend. Then I clear coated the enclosure to create and even surface for the decal and applied it. Then clear coated again and drilled and assembled. Here are a few pictures of the finished product.
Thanks for reading!